If you think of therapy, the first therapy that comes to your mind is talk therapy. Experiential therapy is a unique kind of therapy that includes involving yourself in a specific experience. This kind of therapy utilizes some tools, including psychodrama, role-playing, arts and crafts, music, animal interactions, poetry, and outdoor excursions.

Kinds of experiential therapy

You will come across various kinds of experiential therapy, and some of them are:

Music therapy – This therapy utilizes music to create an optimistic change in behavior.

Drama therapy – Drama therapy is also called psychodrama, and it is the most common kind of experiential therapy. This involves re-creating or re-enacting a conflict-based situation in safe settings. When patients go through drama therapy, they can get rid of suppressed or negative emotions that are commonly linked with that situation.

Play therapy – Play therapy is a popular kind of therapy that is commonly utilized with kids. This kind of therapy hugely capitalizes on therapeutic play to work through many kinds of psychological issues that kids sometimes fail to express through their words.

Art therapy – This kind of therapy utilizes creative artistic tools and processes that assist people in working through battles. This way, they become highly conscious of themselves. Some tools involved in art therapy include drawing, sculpting, and painting.

Outdoor therapy – This kind of therapy includes adventure therapy and wilderness therapy. Outdoor therapy integrates several activities, like therapy sessions, adventure activities, and wilderness excursions.

Animal-assisted therapy – Animal-assisted therapy involves interacting with animals. This therapy also needs caring for them. The sessions of animal-assisted therapy include some animals, such as horses and dogs.

Why take your teen to a teen boot camp?

If you take your teen to a teen boot camp in Phoenix, you will find it to be assisting your teenager in overcoming various kinds of mental health struggles. Every reliable boot camp believes that a caregiver shouldn’t confront this journey alone; hence, it should support him all through. The trustworthy boot camps are different from the not-so-popular boot camps for teenagers, but the latter concentrate on managing the symptoms only. On the contrary, the reliable boot camps zero in on the primary causes of issues.

This kind of intervention forms a long-lasting change in place of the temporary fixes. All the dependable Phoenix boot camps turn into a highly effective substitute for a typical teen boot camp present in this area. The primary reason behind this is they use a specialized approach to several kinds of mental health treatment that seems beneficial for teenagers.

This approach is characterized by many vital elements:

  • Facilitation of the participation of family members for boosting the outcomes of the treatment.
  • Teenagers get an empathetic and non-judgmental setting where they can grow as well as share.
  • Comprehensive aftercare planning that ensures a botheration-free transition of teens to their regular lives.
  • Teenagers get a chance to develop their building skills and they are vital for their academic success.
  • These boot camps treat the underlying reasons for the teens’ mental health issues instead of concentrating on the symptoms only.